Trish, along with lifeguard Katrina Silva,
participated in Water Safety Day held on
May 21st at the Sierra Recreation Center.
In the link below, you can view 2021 Mayor
Trish Kelley in a special episode of
“Mission Viejo Today” as she attended the
City’s Water Safety Challenge event to
report on the critical topic of drowning
prevention, with Orange County Fire
Authority Division Chief Rob Capobianco,
and OCFA Public Information Officer
Chris Barry.
On behalf of Mayor Goodell, Trish presented a Certificate of Commendation from the City of Mission Viejo to
Michael McPhie after he was named National Eagle Scout of the Year by Post 862 of the American Legion.
In February Trish represented Mission Viejo at the Orange County Business Council's 25th Anniversary.
She is joined by State Senator John Moorlach and council members from three neighboring cities.
In February, Newhart Middle School
Principal Judith Murphine invited
Trish to be 'Principal for the Day.'
As a parent and grandparent Trish
maintains a keen interest in
childrens' education. Prior to her
involvement in city government
Trish had served as PTA chapter
president for several local schools.
As she does every year, Trish participated in Bathgate Elementary School's
annual "Walk to School Day." She is joined by event chair Michelle Balogh
and Mission Viejo council members Greg Raths and Wendy Bucknum.
Trish and Newhart Middle School Principal Judith Murphine visit the construction site of the
new STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) classroom building.
Trish is shown here with the Mission Viejo Girls Softball Team. Trish and Wendy Bucknum
represented Mission Viejo on opening day and judged the teams as they marched in review.
Trish and the Character Committee posed for a photo in October 2019. Trish is the founder of the Community of Character
program and authored the reference materials used city-wide. Trish has been honored with both State and National awards.
In February Trish was invited to join students from Oxford Preparatory Academy and their parents on
Planting Day at Pavion Park. The inclimate weather did not dampen the students' enthusiasm while
they planted trees and shrubs as part of their Champions of Kindness program at the Academy.
In March, Trish attended the Women of Influence annual awards luncheon in
Irvine to help honor some of the nominees. As Mission Viejo's only 4-time mayor,
Trish was 'right in her element' congregating with so many high achievers.
In February, Mayor Pro Tem Trish Kelley hosted students from
Mission Viejo Christian School for a tour of City Hall. The students
were exposed to the inner workings of city government as Trish took
them to each of the various departments and explained their purpose.
In these photos Trish is volunteering her
time and talent teaching sculpting to
Helen and Esther, both visually impaired.
On behalf of William P. Brough (Assy. 73rd), Trish
presented Dr. Matthew Gerlach, Executive Vice
President and Chief Operating Officer, with a
Certificate of Recognition from the State
Legislature at the grand opening of the
CHOC Specialty Clinic of Mission Viejo. As a
mother and grandmother, Trish takes a keen
interest in the well-being of children in our area.
Trish has sponsored "Kelley's Heroes" at the annual
Relay for Life fundraiser. In this 2014 photo (above),
then Mayor Kelley is joined by her grandson Benji,
Councilwoman Wendy Bucknum, and Mimi Walters
(former Congresswoman California 45th District).
Trish's team (below) has raised thousands of
dollars in support of the American Cancer Society.
Trish is joined by Sergio Prince (L)
from Supervisor Lisa Bartlett's office,
Councilwoman Wendy Bucknum and
Community Services Commissioner
Brian Goodell (R) and Kyle Tomita (C)
owner of the Anchor Hitch seafood
restaurant at the grand opening.
Trish staunchly supports local
businesses and business development
in Mission Viejo.
© 2022 Trish Kelley for City Council 2022 ID#1382478